(925) 625-9625
Alameda and Contra Costa County
Let Patriot Stone Restoration make your outdoor spaces clean and welcoming. We service the Alameda and Contra Costa County areas with expertise in outdoor stone and hardscapes restoration.
Looking to have your outdoor environment restored to clean and welcoming?
Walkways, patios, pool surrounds and other outdoor spaces face wind and rain, temperature changes, pollution, and just plain ol’ accumulated grit and grime. Turning your restoration project over to an inexperienced team could result in damage to your hardscapes. Improper power washing could loosen stones or pavers. Applying sealer incorrectly could result in moisture damage to your project. The wrong type or color of stain could mar the aesthetic beauty of your existing projects.
With over 20 years experience, our expert technicians are experienced in making your outdoor environments welcoming…
At Patriot Stone Restoration we know what it takes to restore and maintain your outdoor surfaces.
To discuss your project or to request a free estimate on restoration of your outdoor stone or hard surfaces, or any other natural stone and tile services throughout the Alameda and Contra Costa County area, use our CONTACT FORM or call (925) 625-9625 today!
Since 2002 Patriot Stone Restoration has been serving the Alameda and Contra Costa region with stone, tile, and concrete restoration services.
CA Lic#928135